The Daily Breath of God Monday, December 23 2024
If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness. Psalm 130:3,4 NIV
Sometimes in our life, we become record keepers of others sins and even our own sins. In this condition forgiveness is hard to ask for and even harder to give. Our emotions seemed to be overwhelmed with all the wrong memories. Yet the One who has the right to keep good records doesn’t because of His Grace. If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? Grace in Jesus the Christ removes the record of our sins by giving to us the love of God without any condemnation about ourselves or others. In grace there is a life that refreshes us right down to the depth of our soul. But with you there is forgiveness. Today be willing to enjoy this life of forgiveness that is yours through the grace found in Jesus the Christ. Let all who come in contact with you feel the freedom of your joy in His grace. God fully intended that his grace would overwhelm you in all the right ways and joy, kindness along with all kinds of encouragement will be the results of grace in you. That is just what grace does in a man or a woman who is willing to receive it. Enjoy! |