The Daily Breath of God Monday, April 07 2014
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him praise his name. Psalm 100:4Our natural nature is birthed in condemnation, which is self-centered. In that condition we can find ourselves easily annoyed, irritated, criticized and shamed. In that condition giving thanksgiving and praise is something to do, which is just one more task along our journey. Grace changes the entire situation. It puts God's love right into the center of our lives and changes our values and who we are. In that condition, thanksgiving and praise are not one more thing to do, it is who we are. Living our journey in thanksgiving and praise to our Lord lets us encourage, bless, be considerate and esteem others as more important than ourselves. On this new day, may you absolutely enjoy his grace that has set you free from the control of your old nature. You will like this day and those around you will feel important, encouraged and refreshed. His grace will renew your emotions and let thanksgiving and rejoicing be your gift to those who come into contact with your today. Comments: