The Daily Breath of God Wednesday, September 26 2012
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening. Psalm 92:1,2 NLTAlmost everybody on the planet desires to have relationships that can be called good. Yet many people are groaning from the inside out because their relationships within their family, or their friends or even the co-workers that are not good. Well, here is some very good news. God's grace makes us alive, so that thanksgiving becomes what we are to our family, our friends and even or co-workers. Grace frees us up to rejoice in our life with our Lord and that carries over into all areas of our life. Grace removes the tensions so that our life is a song that all can enjoy. Today may you know in the depth of your heart that it is good to give thanks and proclaim your unfailing love to the LORD in the morning. This day will bring the beginning of making all things new in your journey with those who live around you. This will bless you and you will enjoy your life as a song of praise. Enjoy! Comments: