The Daily Breath of God Thursday, September 20 2012
This is what the LORD says - your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself. Isaiah 44:24Sometimes along our journey things take place in our lives that in reality, flat out overwhelm us. It may be choices we have made that we wish we would have never made. In fact, sometimes we will think that if there was ever a time we could go back to and change it, it would be that choice. Well here is some very good news. God's grace lets you know that there is nothing that has come your way that he cannot bring out for your good. Grace changes what we love and therefore our choices become, shall we say, a lot more enjoyable. Today enjoy the freedom and power of his grace in your life. This day your choices are covered in grace and therefore you are free from the past condemnation that keeps trying to haunt you. Grace will let you enjoy your life without fear and you will know the joy of being renewed in the love of your Redeemer. There is nothing in your past that he cannot reform for his glory and your blessing. Everyone around you will experience the beauty and freedom of his life through you on this new day. Comments: