The Daily Breath of God ![]() Friday, August 17 2012
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them… Genesis 1:26 – 28Our sin nature is destructive from beginning to end. It offers no blessings and gives no hope at any time. Its foundations are self-seeking, suspicious, envious and filled with all kinds of condemnation towards ourselves and others. It is the miracle of God that with this nature any relationships last at all. Yet, while now in this condition God is still doing everything to bless us and give us hope. So came the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ so that hope and blessings would be ours again, this is the power of his grace. He not only created us because of his love, but he now pours out his love through his grace without any condemnation towards us at all. Grace frees us to bless, encourage and give hope to our family, our friends and those we meet along the way. Today may you ponder anew the blessings of his love for you. You have never been forgotten and you have never been left alone. Let his grace refresh you and you will become the image and blessing of God to all who know you. If you will, this day will bless you and blow your socks off. Comments: