The Daily Breath of God ![]() Wednesday, May 02 2012
And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 1 Thessalonians 5:14,15It is truly amazing what emotions do to the priorities of life, how we see ourselves and others. Where does fear really come from or what about timidity? What about being irritable, angry or cursing? All of these seem to be expressions and actions from some kind of condemnation about ourselves and others. For some, these have become habits that give their emotions and priorities less than outstanding results. The grace given in Jesus the Christ is full of life and can change everything, giving us new habits in our emotions and thinking. Grace brings joy, kindness and peace to some of the most difficult situations. Grace brings a freedom that is so real to our life that we feel that we have lost weight and in truth we have. For the emotions of sin are really heavy and have caused great sorry to family, friends and community. On this new day enjoy the freedom of grace as it gives you the strength of new habits that rejoice, encourage and praise. For they are yours to enjoy and give away to everyone around you. When grace is the expression of life, all things change in how you view your life. Being overwhelmed by his grace will put a new song in your emotions and thinking that everyone around you will like to hear. Comments: